FY18  Collider-Accelerator Schedule
Scheduling Physicist: William (Bill) Christie
AD - Bldg: 911B - Rm A-222  e-mail: christie@bnl.gov Phone: work: (631) 344-7137  CELL: (631) 255-4978       
RUN END - June 18


SCHEDULING MEETING (Meeting minutes will be sent to a distribution list)

      Every Monday (3:00 p.m. - MCR)          

TIME MEETING Webpage:       
     Every Tuesday
(1:30 p.m. - Snyder)
January:   No Meetings                    January: No Meetings
February:  12; 19; 26 February: No Meetings
March:  5; 12; 19; 26 March:  6; 13; 20; 27
April: 2; 9; 16; 23; 30 April: 3; 10; 17; 24
May: 7; 14; 21; 28 May: 1; 8; 15; 22; 29
June: 4; 11; 18; June: 5; 12;


Scheduling Physicist Archive
    FY17 (B. Christie)
    FY16 (B. Christie)
    FY15 (P. Pile / Y. Makdisi)
    FY14 (Chuyu Liu)
    FY13 (Andrei Poblaguev)
    FY12 (Francois Meot)
    FY11 (Alexei Fedotov)
    FY10 (Guillaume Robert-Demolaize)
    FY09 (Eduard Pozdeyev)


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